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Lovely City's
'Tis The Season


Season 4 - Episode 1


Congratulations Detectives! You are correct. The menu and receipt were the main pieces of evidence to help the detectives reopen the case. The initial detective ruled the deaths an accident because all three had eaten sushi from the same restaurant that day. From his research, he learned the victims would have had to consume the toxin and they did not have fish during lunch that day!  


You are also correct by naming all seven suspects; Day, Holiday, Nash, Hopper, Sparks, Arnold, and Adam Astray.  These suspects all had access to the meeting room where Ava found search history about the same toxin found in all three victims' autopsy reports. 


Detective Tate and Kimbell will work fast to gather additional evidence and interview the seven suspects.  They will send you the information directly. LPD is optimistic with your help, they will bring justice to the murders of Ava, Louis, and Bradley.

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